Profiles & Assessments Profiles also commonly referred to as assessments, tests, surveys and profilers
For over 30 years, the DiSC Classic has helped millions of people become self-aware and better understand their relationships with others. The DiSC Classic Profile introduces you to your unique DiSC behavioral style and Classical Pattern. This behavioral style test allows you to explore ways to communicate with people of other behavioral styles.

DiSC for Workplace
Everything DiSC Workplace reinforces effective communication and positive working relationships by allowing you to understand your DiSC style, the styles of others and how your actions affect others. Workplace is a DiSC employee assessment that can be used for all professionals of various industries and levels.

DiSC Work of Leaders
Everything DiSC Work of Leaders is a user-friendly online leadership development assessment built around employee behaviors at work and their leadership preferences. After completing a short assessment a detailed narrative report is generated with information about your leadership style, characteristics, priorities and vision. The profile report is generated using leadership best practices and the official DiSC circular model.

PXT Select Hiring Assessment
An online hiring assessment tool and various reports designed to help you select the best people. An assessment is needed for each candidate. A single assessment purchase provides access to all of the reports included in the PXT Select Product Suite.

DiSC for Management
Everything DiSC Management introduces you to your managerial style and its effect on employees around you. You will learn how to improve on your management skills by successfully motivating employees and communicating more effectively with your superior.

Checkpoint 360
Checkpoint 360 is a cutting-edge 360 feedback profile delivered entirely online. It combines the detail of a typical 360 profile with the power of PXT. The result is an profiling assessment that is detailed, valid and reliable. Checkpoint 360 is extremely easy to use and considered one of the most effective 360 feedback systems on the market.

Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team
Based on Patrick Lencioni's New York Times best-selling book, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, this Everything DiSC-Based Profile provides your team with personalized, constructive narrative you can use to improve your culture and increase productivity.

DiSC for Sales
Everything DiSC Sales is designed for sales professionals of any industry. Everything DiSC Sales will allow you to understand and improve your selling style by customizing it to meet the needs of your customers.

Everything DiSC Productive Conflict
An exciting new assessment that teaches people about conflict, how their behaviors impact conflict situations and how other people's behaviors can lead to destructive actions. Take Everything DiSC Productive Conflict and become a pro at handling conflict situations in the workplace or at home.

Everything DiSC Agile EQ
This new emotional intelligence test focuses on instinctive mindsets and how to react in a positive manner in emotional situations. Take Everything DiSC Agile EQ to learn about DiSC styles and how adapt to social settings to create an agile environment in the workplace.

Five Behaviors Personal Development
This new version of the Five Behaviors profile is designed for fluid or changing teams. Rather than have an entire team go through the Five Behaviors program, individuals can take the assessment and apply the results as they move from team to team.

DiSC, Everything DiSC, Everything DiSC Workplace, and Everything DiSC Work of Leaders are registered trademarks of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.