DiSC® Assessments | All DiSC Classic Profiles Profile Assessments Based on the DISC Model
The DiSC® model is the basis for several personality style assessments offered by Corexcel. The theory behind DiSC provides insight into communication styles and how to improve interaction with others. The profiles listed here assess behavior and are widely used in coaching and training. We carry a variety of DiSC assessments designed to meet your training needs and budget. We also carry Everything DiSC Assessments, the most robust DiSC tools available.
For over 30 years, the DiSC Classic has helped millions of people become self-aware and better understand their relationships with others. The DiSC Classic Profile introduces you to your unique DiSC behavioral style and Classical Pattern. This behavioral style test allows you to explore ways to communicate with people of other behavioral styles.

Price: $35.00 More Info

Price: $90.00 More Info
"DiSC", "Personal Development Profile" and "Personal Profile System" are registered trademarks of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.