Whether a manager is going to be responsible for a new group because of an internal promotion, a transfer, or company reorganization, they will be challenged with building relationships with their new team members.
On the other hand, when teams face a management change, it taxes their engagement and productivity.
Learn how Everything DiSC Management and Everything DiSC Workplace assessments can help managers understand, relate to and communicate with their new team. And how these tools can help the team work with a new boss.
In this webinar you’ll hear:
- Areas of communication most important to management transition and success
- How management style can impact a new team
- How to recognize and best approach the style of each team member
- How to create a motivating team atmosphere
Learn how you can help your managers gain traction quickly with new teams.
Contact us to request the August 29 webinar recording https://www.corexcel.com/html/contact.php