How DiSC Profiling Empowers Your Team to Work Together

An effective way to maximize the potential of a group of coworkers is to identify their individual personality styles through DiSC profiling and establishing communication about how different dispositions relate to one another.

Members of a successful team must become adept at engaging in healthy conflict, committing to a vision, maintaining trust, becoming personally accountable and following protocols that achieve results.

DiSC training breaks down human personality types into four major distinctions that identify people who have a natural inclination for taking charge and making quick decisions (D style) along with others who are more prone to go along with a plan when a sense of team spirit is found in the workplace (i style).

Similarly, DiSC also identifies people who are careful decision makers and will weigh out all of the variables before committing to a course of action (S style) as well as those individuals whose minds are influenced by objectivity rather than intuition or emotion (C style).

DiSC training then elaborates on how the different personality types can be expected to interact in a work environment that encourages trust, healthy conflict, commitment, accountability and results.

Trust is a Must 

Establishing trust between coworkers requires that people transform two-dimensional relationships into deeper bonds. The DiSC training assessment system helps coworkers understand one another by identifying individual strengths and weaknesses and making all parties privy to that information.

This way, if a “D” type personality is on a team with someone who is a “S,” that first person will know that it is OK for them to take charge of making split-second decisions. Meanwhile, the “S” personality can be delegated to assimilate large quantities of information to determine the long-term scope and direction of a project.

Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of those you work with mean that you can be better trusted to interact with them accordingly.

Creative Tension

Conflict between coworkers can be healthy when it involves two or more people presenting opposing ideas based on their individual expertise. Rather than avoiding confrontation, as most people prefer, coworkers who have built trust tend to embrace a tense situation because it forces people to express themselves.

With DiSC training, after your team members have expressed themselves and listened to opposing opinions, they can then come to a mutually agreeable compromise based on a strategy that will result in goals being met.

This can also be described as a passionate presentation of solutions to problems. Through this process, all are encouraged to share their opinions and propositions so that goals can be identified through the collective knowledge of the group. The saying, “none of us are smarter than all of us” applies to the process of teams becoming more empowered by learning to understand one another’s ideas.

All Aboard

DiSC profiling allows for the efficient alignment of different personality styles once a team directive has been set and goals have been established. This stage of teamwork is possible after healthy conflict has revealed the best way to move forward based on the collective strengths of the team.

For instance, the “D” type personalities may have been ready to choose a course of action immediately, while the “S” individuals insist on gathering more information before committing to a certain path.

Understanding the personalities of your teammates from square one affords you the insight as a “C” personality to know that once you are on board with an idea, the “i” personalities in the group are more likely to commit to a plan.


Holding your teammates accountable for their actions, or lack thereof, is an integral part of realizing success as a team. The information provided to you by the DiSC profiling system allows you to tailor your approach to a teammate according to their personality type.

When talking to a “D” person, you’re going to get the best results with a straightforward delivery. Whereas people with an “i” personality are going to respond best to feedback that has something positive to say in order to offset the sting of anything critical in nature that needs to be pointed out.

Meanwhile, if you call out a “S” personality, it’s best to be considerate yet direct. When holding a “C” person accountable you’re going to want to speak in honest, logical terms that validate conclusions with specific, tangible examples.

The Bottom Line

The entire reason behind orchestrating a team effort through DiSC is to render results that are not possible through the work of just one person. Yet, too often team members can get caught up in the details of communicating and the tunnel vision of task-oriented thinking.

As this is occurring, focus on whether or not results are taking place due to the efforts of the team. This may become lost as individuals within a team can purposefully or inadvertently shift their intention from a group-based mindset to selfish thinking.

The collective goals of the team can also be overridden by personal goals for career advancement or desire for individual recognition. This is why the practice of accountability is important as well as using the DiSC profile to help deliver the proper feedback to your team members to keep them on track and create results.

Teamwork is a complicated undertaking because, in order to be successful, people with vastly differing personalities and working styles have to learn how to get along; by learning to trust one another, engaging in healthy conflict, committing holistic vision, being accountable, and maintaining focus on the creation of tangible results.

Contact us at Corexcel to learn more about how the DiSC profiling system of human resource management can create effective teams that produce real results.

How Two Acclaimed Theorists Laid Groundwork for PXT Select

Job satisfaction, job success and coworker compatibility are top concerns among recruiters, human resource managers and the engineers of the PXT Select Hiring Assessment Tool. When all three aspects are effectively aligned, business flourishes and profits soar.

The science of successfully matching the right person with the right job is largely due to the work of two 20th Century visionaries — Frank Parsons and John Holland. When assessing a recruitment tool like PXT Select for your company, consider the studies it was founded upon.

Delving into the work of pioneers who developed career counseling and modernized effective candidate selection can help you better understand the recruitment selection system as a whole.

Frank Parsons Lays the Groundwork

In 1909, Frank Parsons of the Vocational Bureau in Boston, MA laid the groundwork for career development theory with a simple outline for successful employment decision-making. This triad of factors consisted of self-understanding, available jobs and the relationship between the two.

Essentially, Parsons believed that if you know your strengths and preferences, and if you are aware of what is required to be successful in specific jobs, you could make sound career decisions rather than leaving your future up to chance.

Parson’s philosophy was especially useful in the wake of the Great Depression, when large-scale unemployment created the need to determine the most effective way to classify the exact strengths of an individual. Shortly thereafter, the Second World War had a similar effect from the opposite direction.

This prompted the development of the U.S. Employment Service General Aptitude Test Battery that helped address job placement concerns arising from manpower shortages. Strategies for dealing with both crises were based on Parson’s work, which by this time had been renamed the Trait and Factor Theory.

The Trait and Factor Theory provided the basis for the PXT Select Hiring Assessment an evaluation system that measures eleven specific traits, allowing you to determine exactly where a job candidate can excel in your workplace.    

John Holland Expands on Parsons’ Theory

Half a century later in 1959, a Professor Emeritus at John Hopkins University named John Holland expanded on Parson’s premise. He created an in-depth occupational classification system known as the Holland Codes.

Holland distilled the thousands of human personality distinctions down to six fundamental categories, which were then mirrored by six types of workplace environments. The realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising and conventional archetypes (RIASEC) became a sound basis for matching people with careers that best suited their personalities and interests.

Holland’s work affirmed the notion that people search for and thrive in environments that best fit their personality type. This prevents negative scenarios where work environments do not match individual personalities.

The indications of the Holland’s Hexagon (an infographic for RIASEC) allows you to see how an artistically driven person can adapt to social and investigative settings but may not respond well to environments that require a conventional, realistic mindset.

Conversely, the system demonstrates that an enterprising person may get along well with others of the same mindset as well as those inclined towards being social or conventional, but people who focus on work through an investigative or realistic lens may deter them.

The PXT Select Hiring Assessment Tool expands on these proven theories and research, providing detailed graphs, metrics and reports on the strengths of your job candidate. In turn, these point to the specific positions in your company where they will thrive the most.

Minimize Bad Hires and Maximize Employee Skills

The inception and growth of the career assessment has evolved into the sophisticated science behind the PXT Select Hiring Assessment Tool. This tool allows you to minimize the incorrect placement of people throughout your workforce and to avoid hiring the wrong people altogether.

Both of these scenarios can come at great cost to your bottom line, if unhappy employees become prone to being late, combative or absent altogether. On the positive side, saving money on recruiting, you can watch your company’s productivity expand because people are working in areas that suit them alongside others with similar mindsets.

PXT Select provides you with information based on a candidate’s answers to a lengthy inquiry. It begins with a questionnaire measuring skills and reasoning in their verbal and numerical capacities. It also evaluates specific personality traits including pace, assertiveness, outlook, sociability, conformity, decisiveness, accommodation, independence and judgment.

These metrics are then assimilated into a series of reports that show you the best position for a candidate or a current employee. It also gives you insight into areas where the person could benefit from coaching and how they measure up next to other individuals.

Additional reports suggest alternate positions that might suit a candidate, how the person will fit into your team and how you can expect them to interact with you and your managers.

Empower Your Employment Process

Based on these proven theories and actionable formulas, your current employees and future recruits stand an excellent chance to experience career satisfaction. Utilizing PXT, you can take steps to assure that they are working in areas and with others that match their strengths and interests.

As an employer, you can benefit from a high level of productivity while the entire team enjoys a general sense of balance within the workplace. These essential facets of personnel management are the fundamental principles behind the PXT Select Hiring Assessment Tool.

If you want personnel who love what they do and a company bottom line that shows it, consider the mechanics of Corexcel’s PXT Select career assessment tool. Determine who are the right people for your company and exactly where to place them in your workforce.

Contact us to learn more about streamlining your hiring process, minimizing the costs of turnovers and bad hires and maximizing your recruiting efforts with the PXT Select Hiring Assessment Tool.

[Holland’s RAISEC Model]. (2017). Retrieved from Corexcel’s Ready to Hire Simpler and Smarter PowerPoint Webinar.

New Online Cyber Security Certificate Program

With the rise in identify theft and cyber attacks there is an increasing need for cyber security training.

Our Cyber Security classes provide users with training in risk analysis and asset management for information technology and computer security.  These courses guide you through cyber security training on topics such as security encryption technologies (SSL, TLS), network security, and PCI compliance.

The Certificate in Cyber Security program will help security engineers build secure systems for data management with encryption methods, security testing, and a disaster recovery plan.

The Classes include:

Upon successful completion of the Cyber Security Certificate Program you will earn 40.0 PDUs and 4.0 CEUs.
Classes can also be taken individually to earn PDUs and CEUs.

Corexcel is approved as an Authorized Provider by the International Accreditors for Continuing Education and Training (IACET).

Webinar: Overcoming Workplace Negativity, New Tools

Nothing affects employee morale and productivity more insidiously than negativity in the workplace. It is the “noise” that diverts energy and attention from critical initiatives. It is a barrier to positive change, kills morale and blocks productivity. It’s infectious.

In this webinar, we’ll review

  • What causes negativity
  • How you enable negativity
  • What you can do about it
  • Introduce a new tool to help you turn a negative culture into a positive one

Date:  August 31, 2017

Contact Us to request the webinar recording.

Learn more about Everything DiSC Workplace, request a demo or make a purchase.

Inside Out: Hidden Benefits of Taking Anatomy & Physiology

“Knowledge is potential, action is power.” — Tony Robbins

It’s no secret that healthy choices enable a higher quality of life. Scientific research has demonstrated that when you choose to work out regularly and eat wholesome food, you feel better and live longer. Modern biologists have also mapped out the inner workings of the human organism and how it is affected by exercise and nutrition.

Although everyone utilizes all of the systems within their body, many people are unaware of how they work. Taking an anatomy and physiology course can inform you in great detail about how the mechanics within your body operate.

In your efforts to live a healthy life, it is possible to understand how your choices are affecting your cardiovascular condition, your skeletal system and the rest of your internal dynamics — assigning deeper relevance to your general overall health.

Taking an anatomy course online is an excellent way to stay updated on the dynamics of your body systems work together to maintain homeostasis. The benefits from taking this course go beyond the online classroom. You will be able to apply this to your own health and have an added edge of being informed on the mechanics of the human heart.

The Heart of the Matter

Heart disease is the number one killer in the United States and has been for many years. For this reason, it is especially crucial for health-minded people to understand how the cardiovascular system operates.

In this course, you will learn about the four chambers of the heart that make up the left and the right sides — known as the left heart and the right heart. Each are comprised of an atrium and a ventricle regulated by one-way flowing valves.

You will understand how the superior and inferior vena cava deliver oxygen-deficient blood to the right heart which then pumps it into the lungs where it becomes re-oxygenated. This blood is then delivered to the left heart that pumps it back out to the body through the aorta.

This information can help you better appreciate how your efforts in exercise are affecting your heart in positive ways. For example, endurance-based exercise such as running, cycling and swimming cause a condition known as Eccentric Hypertrophy — AKA runner’s heart.

Eccentric Hypertrophy is an adaptation defined by an increase in heart muscle mass, specifically the left ventricular chamber. Your heart can then pump greater quantities of blood throughout the body. Increased circulation means that greater volumes of nutrition can be delivered to every part of your body, promoting optimal health and expediting healing in the event of injury.

Should you choose to engage in high intensity training such as resistance activities like weightlifting, you will be able to understand the benefits of a condition known as Concentric Hypertrophy.

Concentric Hypertrophy is defined by an increase in heart muscle mass, allowing more blood to move throughout the body during times of high-pressure resistance. This means that you can perform intense activities for longer periods of time without “running out of gas.” When you understand the heart and what makes it stronger, it’ll be easier to get motivated for a workout.

This course will also help you visualize exactly how certain foods affect the heart in negative and positive ways. A diet too heavy in certain foods fills the arteries with cholesterol causing a condition called atherosclerosis — a form of heart disease. A diet abundant in vegetables, fruits, berries and fish keeps bad cholesterol down and blood flowing unencumbered.

Getting Down to the Bones of Anatomy and Physiology

A comprehensive anatomy and physiology course will also inform you on the mechanical workings of your skeleton and how exercise affects it in positive ways.

For example, running, weightlifting and other types of exercise increase your body’s production of synovial fluid. This oil-like substance keeps the cartilage within your joints well lubricated and healthy so that your bones don’t rub together and wear down. Being able to visualize this through the course material will give you invaluable motivation to exercise for the sake of your skeletal health.

You will also learn about how the bones in every joint are held together by ligaments. These tissues are directly affected by the positive stress that exercise places on them. This causes them to increase in mass over time and become stronger so that your joints bend properly.

Understanding skeletal anatomy can profoundly inform your choice to exercise, given that maintaining healthy ligaments will allow you to have an active lifestyle and be less prone to injury.

What More to Expect from an Online Anatomy and Physiology Course

In addition to teaching you about the human cardiovascular and skeletal systems, an anatomy and physiology course leads you through detailed descriptions of every system in the human body.

These other configurations include the digestive system, the endocrine system, the immune system, the lymphatic system, the reproductive system, the nervous system, the urinary system, skin and other tissues and cell structure and regeneration.

The online anatomy and physiology course provided by Corexcel is designed for busy professionals who want to further their education on the human body at their own convenience. Classes can be completed during your evenings, weekends, and lunch hours — whenever you have spare time. Instructional packages are available with or without textbooks, a medical dictionary and a study guide.

When you purchase the fully accredited course, you will have access to the materials and tests for one full year — allowing you to complete your studies at your own pace. Upon completion with an average of 70% or better, you will have earned a total of 9.5 Continuing Education Units (CEUs). You can submit the details of the course to your institution before enrolling to ensure CEUs will be accepted and applied.

The online anatomy course is designed for people of all post-secondary education levels, including those with little prior knowledge of biology, anatomy or physiology. Learning is encouraged through full-color art, audio presentations and animation segments reinforced by quizzes, games, multiple exercises and tests.

Contact us by email or call 1-800-658-6641 if you would like to boost your knowledge of your own body, how it works and why taking care of it has exponential benefits by enrolling in the Corexcel Online Anatomy and Physiology Course.

Webinar Recap: Ready to Hire Simpler & Smarter?

People are the Most Valuable Variable in Business

“My inventory goes home every night.” — Michael Eisner

In case you missed our live webinar and don’t have time to listen to the recording, here’s a high level recap of our June 2017 webinar, “Ready to Hire Simpler and Smarter?

Although technology often drives business success, the number one asset to any company is personnel. Human resources supply the brainpower, capabilities and distinctive personalities to drive the business.

Putting the wrong person in a job can result in negative attitudes, conflict with other employees, poor attendance and high turnover. An assessment that evaluates the strengths, attributes and interests of employees and potential hires can help minimize poor job placement and create an efficient, productive workplace.

With the PXT Select hiring assessment, you can identify the best person for each role. As the business changes, you can use PXT Select to identify future roles for employees that build on their strengths and a maximize productivity within the organization.

Costly Miscalculations

Unsuccessful hires cost money and hurt morale. Resources spent on advertising, interviewing and training an individual are wasted when new hires don’t work out, regardless of the reason.

In November 2016 Career Builder sponsored a poll by Harris on the cost of poor hiring decisions. They surveyed 2,379 HR professionals and hiring managers across private sector companies and business of various sizes. 75% of the managers surveyed affirmed they had made a bad hire. On average, the reported cost of a bad hire was $17,000.

NOTE: 20% of those surveyed knew they had made a hiring mistake within the first week. 53% knew within the first three weeks!

The Challenge of Successful Recruiting

Successful recruiting requires that an organization have a clear description of the skills and attributes necessary to fill a position. They also need a way to compare individual candidates to see if they are a good fit for their positions. Many companies rely on interviews and “gut feelings” alone to determine which candidate they hire.

Most hiring managers admit that even with a good job description, interviewing requires skilled questions and observations. To make matters worse, poor interviewing skills and lack of time to conduct multiple interviews can result in a choice between several unqualified candidates. Picking the lesser of two evils is never the right way to select a new employee.

 An Innovative, Easy-to-Use Hiring Solution

Corexcel clients now have access to PXT Select, a new online hiring assessment that tests a candidate’s verbal and numerical skills, verbal and numerical reasoning, behavioral attributes and interests. A series of powerful reports compare the candidate’s results with multiple positions and with other candidates. Most helpful, managers also get a series of questions to ask the candidate and tips on “what to look for” and “what to listen for” during the interview.

An assessment is required for each candidate. Once a candidate logs on to the testing platform, the assessment takes 60-90 minutes to complete. Candidate results are measured against a Job Performance Model that describes the skills and attributes necessary to perform a specific job. Corexcel works with clients to select performance models that match their needs.

The price of an assessment includes 9 reports. We’ve highlighted four of them in our blog. We also have samples of all of the reports posted on Corexcel’s website.

The Comprehensive Selection Report provides insight into a candidate’s verbal skills, numerical aptitude, reasoning facilities, behavior style and interests. It also identifies potential areas of concern such as mathematical deficiency or behavior trait that might warrant further probing, depending on the skills and/or needed for the position. It gives recruiters suggestions on what questions to ask and what to look for in an interview.

The Multiple Positions Report summarizes a candidate’s fit across several positions within a business while elaborating on their behavior style’s personal interests and showing how their score could affect their success in any given position.

The Multiple Candidates Report measures several potential hires alongside one another. This report also compares the behavior traits and personal interests of multiple candidates along with numerical and verbal ability.

The Coaching Report is designed to offer insight into the mindset, capabilities and aptitude of an existing employee. This helps managers determine areas where a candidate or new employee could benefit from coaching related to the position that they have been hired to fill. 

Join the Recruiting Revolution

PXT Select is founded on the belief that people perform best when they are placed into positions that are most suited to their abilities and traits. It simplifies the process of identifying and placing individuals where they are most likely to succeed.

Contact us for a demonstration so that you can streamline your hiring process and save valuable man-hours and recruiting resources. Let us help you put the right people in the right positions.

William Marston: Wonder Woman’s Creator Gave the World DISC

There certainly is a huge buzz about Wonder Woman, the Amazonian princess who is one of the major superheroes in the DC Comics universe. Thanks to actress Gal Gadot, director Patty Jenkins, and scriptwriter Allan Heinberg, she’s now become one of the most successful superheroes to hit the box office.

The Creation Unfolds

When introduced in 1941, Wonder Woman was a rare example of a strong female heroine who didn’t need a man to save her. Later, she came out as bisexual and has become a symbol for both women’s rights and the LGBT community. She’s unique in another way: her creator, William Marston, was not the typical comic book writer or artist.

Unlike the industry hall of fame comic-book writers, Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, William Marston was a psychologist. Marston went to Harvard for his education, graduating in 1921 with a Ph.D. in psychology, followed by teaching positions at both American University and Tufts University. During the 1920s and 1930s, he published a number of different research papers and books, including Emotions of Normal People, where he laid out his theory of human behavior that would eventually be used for DiSC. 

The Beginnings of Wonder Woman

Marston was interviewed in a Family Circle Magazine article where he discussed his belief that comic books could be used for educational purposes. This article brought him to the attention of Max Gaines, a comic book publisher, who hired Marston to serve as an educational consultant for what would become DC Comics.

Marston suggested the company introduce a hero who saved the day with love and compassion rather than by fighting. With his wife Elizabeth’s suggestion, they created a strong female lead character. In a time where women’s rights were challenged, he planted a seed of gender equality and created a symbol of women’s empowerment.

Marston and DiSC Theory

While Wonder Woman may be Marston’s most well known creation, especially among the general public, many psychologists know him more as one of the fathers of DiSC. His interest in this area can be traced back to 1924 when he began looking at concepts of will and power, and how they affected personality and behavior. Four years later, he published Emotions of Normal People and laid out what he believed were the four basic behavior types: Dominance, Inducement, Submission, and Compliance. From these theories of behavior, they eventually came to be adopted and built into the DISC Personality Profile Test.

Marston believed that the basis of all four behaviors had to do with the environment around the person. It all depended on whether they saw their environment as being favorable or as being unfavorable, and if they had control over that environment. In 1931, he elaborated on his theory even more in his book DISC, Integrative Psychology. While Marston didn’t outline the modern DiSC profile or discuss DISC training or DISC testing, all of his work laid the foundation for these tools.

Later, Walter Clarke would take Marston’s ideas and create an assessment tool that could be used to create a profile of a person’s personality.

DISC and Wonder Woman

Marston’s work on DISC is reflected in Wonder Woman, too. Her dominance over her environment, her influence over others, her steadiness when faced with adversity, and her compliance with the laws and morals can all be linked to DiSC theory.

Both Wonder Woman and DiSC can be summed up with one of Marston’s most famous quotes: “Every crisis offers you extra desired power.” With William Marston’s DiSC theory, every crisis gives a person a chance to gain more control over their environment by adapting to a situation or experience or by Influencing the outcome.

Wonder Woman also illustrates this quote in both the comics and in the movie. In the film, her adversary, Ares, appears to be much more powerful than the hero. Then comes a point of crisis: <Spoiler Alert!> trapped, Wonder Woman is forced to watch her friend and love interest Steve Trevor sacrifice himself to destroy a plane full of poison. This gives her the desired power she needs to defeat Ares and save the day.

Why DiSC® is Valuable to Growing Companies

DiSC can be very useful to growing companies and teams by providing ways to effectively handle communication with different personality styles. With miscommunication often being the root of conflict, it can be one of the biggest contributors to lost productivity.

DiSC training can help team leaders solve these issues of miscommunication by creating a more cohesive work environment and enabling each team member to learn how to better communicate, leading the team come to a consensus on decisions more quickly.

How DiSC is a Superpower

DiSC training can turn any facilitator, team leader, or supervisor into a superhero by giving them the tools they need to handle miscommunication or conflict. By using the DiSC assessments, a team leader can better understand each team member and facilitate understanding between team members.

Of course, it’s important to remember that DiSC, like superpowers, can be used for evil, too. The DiSC model shouldn’t be used to classify people as hero or villain.

Using DiSC for good allows supervisors to create scenarios that can help motivate their employees and bring them together as a cohesive, efficient team. Doing so can improve productivity and lead to innovative ideas, and more.

Did you notice the change to a small “i” in DiSC? That’s because we’re referring to the Everything DiSC® family of profiles published by Wiley. These profiles are simple to use and supported by years of research.

Are you ready to learn more about DiSC training? If so, contact us today to learn about Everything DiSC Profiles and how they can help you manage your employees.

Recorded Webinar: You’ve Hired The Best, Now What? PXT Select™

PXT Select™ is a new, easy to use online hiring assessment that makes hiring simpler and smarter.  PXT Select helps managers select and compare the best candidates for your organization but it also does a lot more.

Join us to continue your discovery of PXT Select .
In this recorded webinar, we covered the history and methodology used to develop PXT Select and how it helps to provide a clear picture of a candidate’s:

  • Verbal skills
  • Verbal reasoning abilities
  • Numerical abilities
  • Numerical reasoning
  • Behavioral traits
  • interests

The webinar covers the importance of onboarding and supporting new hires. It talks about how the PXT Select hiring assessment can help you:

  • Introduce new hires to your existing team
  • Understand their areas of opportunity and challenge
  • Keep them interested and engaged in their job
  • Coach and develop your new employees

We also review:

  • All 9 PXT Select reports available for one price!
  • The training available for your team so you can get started right away!

Contact Us Today for the Recording

PXT Select Part 1 was held on June 15th, 2019. If you missed Part 1, we’ll be happy to send you the recording to review. Simply send your request through our contact form.

“PXT Select” is a trademark of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

How Medical Terminology Can Prevent Miscommunication?

At times, the world of medicine can be affected by miscommunication, which in turn has proven to be detrimental to some patients and even fatal to others. This problem is propagated by way of poorly inscribed and mistakenly interpreted medical abbreviations that lead to misdiagnoses, inaccurate prescriptions and incorrect administration of medical dosages.

Because the expanding world of medicine has become very compartmentalized with new fields of study and specialization, many of the abbreviations and acronyms do not translate from one field to another, from one department to another and from one practitioner to another.

The Corexcel Online Medical Terminology Course is designed to update those currently active in a medical vocation and to prepare future medical professionals to use medical terminology correctly and to be aware of the top abbreviations that are misused — the exact acronyms and abbreviations that, when misused, result in negative outcomes.

The Usual Suspects

In 2004, The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety issued a “Do Not Use” list comprised of the most commonly miswritten and misinterpreted medical abbreviations. At the top of this docket sits the letter “U” which is commonly used to represent “units” yet is frequently mistaken for the number “0.”

An example: In the instance of a doctor prescribing “10U” meaning that the patient should take 10 units per medication interval, the typical misreading would be “100.” This would put the patient in danger of taking a dose that is tenfold the prescribed amount. In the instance of a highly toxic painkiller such as Vicodin or Oxycodone, the results could be lethal.

An Increase in Oversight

As benign as it may seem at face value, unreadable abbreviations and misused acronyms can result in unfortunate outcomes. According to The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety, it is estimated that clerical medication errors account for some 7,000 deaths per year, 81% of the mistakes occurring during the prescribing stage of the medical process.

The source above also reports that doctors are responsible for 78.5% of medical terminology abbreviation errors, with nurses sharing 15.1% of the burden while a mere 6.4% of inaccuracies were penned by pharmaceutical or other staff.

Since doctors have been typecast as scrawlers of hieroglyphics, it may seem that only the most seasoned of nurses can translate. Although these miscommunications are often not the fault of the caregiver, there are cases wherein a fairly routine medical procedure became an emergency situation due to misread abbreviations or poor penmanship. Here are three such instances:

• A doctor prescribed a hydromorphone epidural for a patient, writing the script as “2 µg/mL.” It was then misunderstood by the pharmacist who labeled and prepared the patient’s prescription as “2 mg/mL.” The pattern continued with the attending nurse, who misread the label and subsequently administered a dose with a 1,000-fold variance.

The patient soon experienced difficulty breathing, was intubated and placed on mechanical ventilation along with being given additional pharmacology and chest compressions to mitigate a diminishing cardiac function. The epidural was removed and naloxone was used to reverse the toxic effects.

• An acyclovir treatment was ordered for a 62-year-old patient on hemodialysis. The order read “acyclovir (unknown dose) with HD.” The practitioner who read the order interpreted the “HD” abbreviation as TID — meaning three times daily.

Acyclovir is given intravenously, and then only once daily after hemodialysis taking into consideration the patient’s renal impairment immediately after dialysis. In this case, the patient received three doses over a two-day stretch, resulting in mental deterioration and subsequent death.

• Mid-sternal chest pain in a 53-year-old patient was diagnosed as a gastrointestinal malady. As a result of this assessment, an “MDX/GI” cocktail was prescribed — which is a compound consisting of Xylocaine® (lidocaine), Mylanta® (aluminum hydroxide, magnesium hydroxide, and simethicone) and diclomine.

The patient developed labored breathing followed by respiratory distress, requiring an administration of epinephrine to reverse the symptoms. Although the patient’s allergy to lidocaine was documented, the attending physician and nursing staff were unaware that lidocaine is a key ingredient in the MDX/GI cocktail.

The danger of this abbreviation lies in its ambiguity. Although the “X” stands for lidocaine, it refers to the brand name of the drug (Xylocaine®) rather than the drug itself. Furthermore, the symbol “X” as an abbreviation has nearly a dozen different meanings in the medical vernacular.*

No matter the outcome, each medical terminology error case strongly supports the critical need for an ongoing education in medical terminology and a system that strives toward consistency in usage of medical abbreviations.

Not-so-straightforward solutions

Consider the remaining 6,997 cases involving similar situations that were propagated by abbreviations that were either misinterpreted or poorly written. The obvious solution would seem to be to discourage the use of the medical terms most frequently responsible for patient harm, yet doing so in a cohesive way across the breadth of all medical professions has proven to be very difficult.

Because not all practitioners have or are required to comply with a universal set of guidelines where medical abbreviations are concerned, the responsibility by default in affecting clear communication, then falls upon the shoulders of the individual medical practitioner.

Corexcel’s Online Medical Terminology Course empowers aspiring and practicing medical professionals to take control of their role in the chain of communication, be it as an attending physician, nurse, pharmacist or other vocation within the medical community.

Supporting Medical Professionals and Patient Safety

In the wake of rapid medical advancement, diversification of specialties and development of new fields of study, medical professionals can equip themselves with a comprehensive understanding of terminology, abbreviations and the most commonly miswritten and misinterpreted of both. By doing so, the results of poor communication can be diminished.

If you’re looking to strengthen and improve your communication in the medical field, contact Corexcel to learn more about our online medical terminology course. The more you learn about using and identifying the proper medical terms, the more effective and accurate you will be in preventing harm on future patients.


*Brunetti, Luigi, John P. Santell, and Rodney W. Hicks. “The Impact of Abbreviations on Patient Safey.” The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety 33.9 (2007): 576-80. Joint Commission of Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations. Sept.-Oct. 2007. Web. May 2017.

Avoid 5 Management Mistakes with the DiSC® Profile

Whether you are a veteran or new to the managing scene, anyone that deals with running a team know that managing people is no simple task. More than 60% of new managers fail within the first year and over 70% report they do not get what they need to be successful in their role.

This is not only stressful for the managers but the employees as well. Bad management can cause employees to feel under-appreciated, frustrated and stressed out, leaving them uninterested in their work and looking for a way out.

DiSC Management Profiles offer strategies to understand your own management style, your teammates’ personalities and finally how you can use this information to better motivate and develop your team.

Introduction to the Five Fatal Management Mistakes with the DiSC Profile

1. Not Knowing Yourself

It may sound obvious but all too many managers don’t have a firm idea of their own management style. The first step to being an effective leader is developing an understanding of your own personal motivations as well as individual strengths and weaknesses.

What kind of manager are you? There isn’t one personality mold that fits all managers. What works for the fast-paced and strong willed manager might not work for the analytical and systematic. Learn which of these four DiSC profiles most closely aligns with you and how your management style fits in your team.

2. Misunderstanding Others Priorities and Abilities

When you look at your team what do you see? If you are honest, you have probably neatly categorized and labeled them in your head. But do you really understand your team members on a fundamental level or have you sold some people short? Don’t fall into the trap of defining someone by what you believe they can do. Learn what makes them tick and what motivates them so you can support them in reaching their full potential.

Everyone on your team has different personalities, working styles, and needs. As a manager, it’s your job to work with those differences. Some people may need more encouragement, some more direction, while others may need a greater challenge. By better understanding their personalities you will be able to guide instead of just define them.

3. Giving Unclear, Ambiguous Direction

Unclear direction can be a large stumbling block when it comes to how your team performs. Your team wants to succeed and to deliver what is expected. Though problems can arise when there is a disconnect between your expectations and what your team thinks you expect. Each team member will process and take direction differently. A key factor in their performance is their individual personality style.

The team member with a D (Dominance) personality, for example, is driven, works fast and asks a lot of questions, which can be perceived as challenging. How do you direct and delegate this team member? Well to answer that question you need to understand what motivates them.

A person with a D-personality is highly result-oriented, so when giving direction it is best to show them the “big picture” purpose of a task as well the potential successful outcomes.

If they have proven themselves in the past, show them that you respect their abilities. Give them a little more autonomy, but make sure you see eye-to-eye on the goal of the assignment and the consequences of shortcuts.

4. Failing to Address Basic Needs and Preferences

Harmony, acceptance, action, facts…. What if people had their needs written all over them? It sure would make it easier to give people the support they needed in the workplace. As that is not the case, many managers are left at a loss when it comes to how to best support their team members. With DiSC profiles, managers can better understand what their team members need to thrive.

For example, a team member with an S (Steadiness) personality, needs harmony and stability, and conversely, fears rapid change and letting people down. For this particular style, being in chaotic situations, or being forced to improvise or deal with cold or argumentative people is stressful and demotivating.

How can we go about creating a motivational atmosphere for this personality? Make sure they have ample time to achieve results, even if it means slowing your pace down a bit. Additionally, be sure you provide the structure and security needed for her to feel comfortable and when changes are coming make sure you plan ahead to be able to give her plenty of warning.

Other personalities will have varying needs, but understanding these needs is the first step in creating a supportive environment and a harmonious workplace.

5. Delivering Inappropriate Unbalanced Feedback

Make sure your feedback counts! As you begin to develop a better appreciation of the different working styles, you’ll learn how to approach them individually. Listening, encouraging and helping particular styles are just some of the ways you can deliver the proper response they need to help motivate them.

Once you have a thorough understanding of your team member’s value in the workplace, you can respond with constructive feedback that they can successfully utilize to achieve their goals.

Our webinar provided valuable information on:

  • How to identify your own management style
  • How DiSC styles impact management behavior
  • Ways DiSC helps you delegate, motivate and develop others
  • How the group’s culture can impact employee relations and retention

DiSC profiles are designed to help you as a manager develop a better understanding of yourself and your team so you can ultimately help them unlock their potential.


If you see yourself falling into these patterns of mistakes or simply want to become a better manager, applying DiSC Profiles can help get you started on the road to success.

It starts with understanding who you are as a manager and how you can learn to better support your team among the different working styles. Everything DiSC Management is the ideal tool to help improve your management skills and, ultimately, your company culture.

Can you benefit from using the research-validated online profile assessments like DiSC? Corexcel can provide the tools and training you need to use for creating a more cohesive workplace. Sign up for Corexcel’s mailing list to get started on your successful management journey today.

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