Enabling Cookies for Mobile Devices

Many of Corexcel’s online courses require cookies to be enabled. They are used primarily to improve performance and functionality within our courses. This post contains directions for enabling cookies on mobile devices. If you plan to take a course on a desktop or laptop computer see our post on enabling cookies for the desktop.

iOS (iPhones/iPads)

  • Open the Settings app
  • Click on Safari (you may have to scroll depending on how many apps are installed)
  • Ensure Block All Cookies is set to the off position

iOS Cookie Settings

Android Browser (find Chrome directions below)

These steps are for Microsoft Edge for Android; they may vary slightly if you have a different browser installed.

  • Open the Edge app
  • Tap the three dots in the lower right corner
  • Go to Settings
  • Go to Site Permissions
  • Go to Cookies
  • Ensure Cookies are allowed

Android Cookie Settings

Chrome for Android

  • Open the Chrome app
  • Tap the three dots in the upper right corner
  • Go to Settings
  • Go to Site Settings
  • Go to Cookies
  • Ensure Cookies are allowed

Chrome for Android Cookie Settings

Microsoft Edge for Windows 10 Mobile

  • Open the Edge app
  • Go to the More Menu/Settings
  • Go to View Advanced Settings
  • In the Cookies drop down ensure that Don’t Block Cookies is selected

If your device is not listed, or if you’re having trouble, we are happy to help. Call the Corexcel offices at 1 (888) 658-6641 between 9:00 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. If you prefer, you can also send an email through our contact form. Representatives will respond during normal business hours.

Webinar: Maintain Team Momentum During Management Changes

Team Exhibiting MomentumWhether a manager is going to be responsible for a new group because of an internal promotion, a transfer, or company reorganization, they will be challenged with building relationships with their new team members.

On the other hand, when teams face a management change, it taxes their engagement and productivity.

Learn how Everything DiSC Management and Everything DiSC Workplace assessments can help managers understand, relate to and communicate with their new team. And how these tools can help the team work with a new boss.

In this webinar you’ll hear:

  1. Areas of communication most important to management transition and success
  2. How management style can impact a new team
  3. How to recognize and best approach the style of each team member
  4. How to create a motivating team atmosphere

Learn how you can help your managers gain traction quickly with new teams.

Contact us to request the August 29 webinar recording https://www.corexcel.com/html/contact.php


Webinar: Does Your Best Candidate Already Work for You?

Find Out with PXT Select!

Prospective Job Candidates

In today’s tight job market, it is more important than ever to choose right when hiring for an open position.

It is also critical to keep current employees interested and excited about future opportunities.

Solve both challenges by considering candidates often overlooked – those right under your nose!

Join us to discover a unique, new assessment that gives you objective data about your current employee’s thinking style, behavior traits and interests – PXT Select.

PXT Select will give you the data you need to make an informed decision about your team member’s capabilities and their ability to fill your open position.  You may find hidden talent and you will be better equipped to develop career paths for those employees you want to retain.

In this webinar you’ll hear:

  1. How PXT Select can help you match current employees with other positions.
  2. How  you can coach your current employee for success in their new job.
  3. What PXT Select measures and why it matters.

Date:  July 25, 2018

Contact Us to request the webinar recording.

Information Technology for Managers Online Training Course

Information Technology courseA Manager’s Guide to Information Technology is a new online information technology course that helps managers learn the basics of information technology. This IT course will help learners combine management concepts with their newly acquired knowledge and be able to make informed business decision for themselves and support their team.

Participants learn about:

  • Operating systems and application software
  • Programming languages
  • Network configuration
  • Database security

This course offers 1.0 CEUs upon successful completion.

Have a group of 10 or more that need to take an information technology online course? Call us at 888-658-6641, or send your request through our contact form, for special group pricing.

Corexcel is approved as an Authorized Provider by the International Accreditors for Continuing Education and Training (IACET).

Security Awareness Training | Online Training

security awareness training

Employees with little or no information technology (IT) or security awareness experience should be mindful of online security threats.

Our new online course, Cyber Awareness Training, is a security training course that will help a beginner:

  • Recognize phising attacks via email
  • Securely work from home or on mobile devices
  • Keep company data and accounts secure when using social media

This course offers 0.2 CEUs upon successful completion.

Have a group of 10 or more to train? Call us at 888-658-6641 for special group pricing.

Corexcel is approved as an Authorized Provider by the International Accreditors for Continuing Education and Training (IACET).

Webinar: Discover PXT Select Pre-Hire Assessment

Identify Your Best Candidate from Sales to C-Suite

You spend hours evaluating resumes finding several candidates. How do you decide who becomes your next employee?  The wrong choice costs 30% of an annual salary and results in lost opportunities and increased employee conflict.

Most large companies have a well-established hiring process that includes a validated, data-driven pre-hire assessment. Yet many small to mid-sized compaies still rely on the resume, a few hastily thrown together interview questions and intuition to determine whether a candidate’s fit for the job.

It’s simpler thank you think to implement a pre-hire assessment.  In this webinar, you’ll learn:

  1. What makes a pre-hire assessment valid and reliable.
  2. The role of validated, data-driven selection tools.
  3. What PT Select measures and why it matters.
  4. How the PXT Select Hiring Assessment can help with hiring and onboarding.
  5. Simple steps you can take to get started.

Date:  March 29, 2018

Contact Us to request the webinar recording.

Learn more about PXT Select, request a demo or make a purchase.

Webinar: Productive Conflict – New Approach to Old Problems

According to Entrepreneur Magazine, the cost of workplace conflict costs US businesses $359 billion per year.

We’ve all contributed to those costs when we engage in destructive disagreements or issues that bubble beneath the surface and don’t go away.

However you think of conflict, it comes down to a difference of opinion involving strong emotions.  Whether it’s a brief, explosive dispute or subtle long-lasting issues, we’ve all done things we’re not proud of.  It’s why the typical manager spends 25-40% of their time dealing with conflict.

It’s not all about following steps in conflict resolution.  It’s about understanding why we do what we do and how to change it.

Join us to explore a new DiSC based assessment – Productive Conflict.  You’ll take away an understanding of:

  1. What drives each of us in conflict.
  2. How to recognize destructive automatic thoughts.
  3. A method of changing responses that have negative consequences.
  4. How to help your team members change their behavior and improve their results.

Date:  February 22, 2018

Contact Us to request the webinar recording.

Learn more about Everything DiSC Productive Conflict, request a demo or make a purchase.

Webinar: Is Change in the New Year Challenging Your Team?

See How Everything DiSC Workplace Helps You Manage Change

Change is the only constant in life.  And many of us are in fast changing environments at work.  Our markets, business climate, culture, employees and customers are shifting rapidly, demanding we change our approach and strategies!  This is not always easy.  Particularly for those who prefer the status quo.

In our complimentary webinar, you’ll learn:

  • The behavioral approaches to change.
  • The reasons for change and the different types of change.
  • How to examine your reactions based on your DiSC behavior style.
  • How Everything DiSC Workplace can help you and your team prepare, accept and embrace change and get started on a personal action plan.

Date:  January 25, 2018

Contact Us to request the webinar recording.

Learn more about Everything DiSC Workplace, request a demo or make a purchase.

Webinar: PXT Select™ Pre-Hire Assessment is Here!

You spend hours evaluating resumes finding several candidates.  How do you decide who becomes your next employee?  The wrong choice costs 30% of an annual salary and results in lost opportunities and increased employee conflict.

Most large companies have a well-established hiring process that includes a validated, data-driven pre-hire assessment. Yet many small to mid-sized companies still rely on the resume, a few hastily thrown together interview questions and intuition to determine whether a candidate’s fit for the job.

It’s simpler than you think to implement a pre-hire assessment.  In this webinar, you’ll learn:

  1. What makes a pre-hire assessment valid and reliable.
  2. The role of validated, data-driven selection tools.
  3. What PXT Select measures and why it matters.
  4. How the PXT Select Hiring Assessment can help with hiring and onboarding.
  5. Simple steps you can take to get started.

Date:  December 21, 2017

Contact Us to request the webinar recording.

Learn more about PXT Select, request a demo or make a purchase.

Webinar: Productive Conflict – New Approach to Old Problems

According to Entrepreneur Magazine, workplace conflict costs US businesses $359 billion per year.

We’ve all contributed to those costs when we engage in destructive disagreements or issues that bubble beneath the surface and don’t go away.

However you think of conflict, it comes down to a difference of opinion involving strong emotion. Whether it’s a brief, explosive dispute or subtle long-lasting issues, we’ve all done things we’re not proud of.  It’s why the typical manager spends 25-40% of their time dealing with conflict.

It’s not all about following steps in conflict resolution.  It’s about understanding why we do what we do and how to change it.

Join us to explore a new DiSC based assessment – Productive Conflict.  You’ll take away an understanding of:

  • What drives each of us in conflict
  • How to recognize destructive automatic thoughts
  • A method of changing responses that have negative consequences
  • How to help your team members change their behavior and improve their results

Date:  November 16, 2017

Contact Us to request the webinar recording.

Learn more about Everything DiSC Productive Conflict, request a demo or make a purchase.