Relationships are Hard. Need We Say More?

Relationships are Hard. Need We Say More? (We do when it comes to workplace relationships.)

coworkers with positive working relationships working together on a projectAnyone who’s watched a traditional rom-com (i.e., everyone) knows that relationships are hard. Through the trials and tribulations, all ends well: Boy gets girl. Boy loses girl. Boy eventually gets girl back. Cue the happy ending with the triumphant music. While there’s somewhat of a formula for these feel-good movies, there’s no formula for work relationships. These relationships are tricky, but essential, in the workplace.

So what’s the trick to productive work relationships? Like it or not, there’s no playbook. You don’t choose your coworkers, and people with different backgrounds, beliefs, personalities, and communication styles are all thrown into the mix. Fostering an effective work relationship requires being open to learning more about yourself and your colleagues. In other words, getting along with others at work takes, well…work.

The key element to good work relationships is the same as it is for personal relationships: communication. And the key to better communication among coworkers is the Everything DiSC® System. That’s because DiSC delivers insight into your own behaviors and the behaviors of coworkers—and it offers recommendations on how to mesh styles and work productively together.

DiSC looks at each individual in four categories: Dominance, Influence, Conscientiousness, and Steadiness. Each category has specific characteristics:

d i S C action enthusiasm collaboration support stability accuracy challenge results

Here’s how they play out in a workplace setting. Say, two colleagues, Ann and Jess, are working together on a project. Ann is along the “D” and “i” range; she’s fast-paced and outspoken. Jess falls along with the “C” and “S” range; she’s cautious and reflective. Ann also works fast, always has a lot going on, and quickly pivots as developments arise. Jess prefers a predictable work setting and does what it takes to get things right. Here, DiSC would recommend to Ann that when she interacts with Jess she should skip the small talk and focus on the facts.

No matter the particular individuals being assessed, DiSC provides recommendations on:

  • Relationship-building strategies
  • Adapting your approach to accommodate others
  • Initiating a dialogue with other employees

and much more.

Once your organization has open, productive communication underway, your teams can thrive. While you won’t have Meg Ryan or Julie Roberts on hand, you’ll still see more smiling faces around the office. In the workplace, good relationships are everything.

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