Certification: 7 Questions to Ask Yourself

Everything DiSCMany of our customers call or e-mail and want to know if they need to complete a certification course to purchase and use DiSC or other Wiley Publishing facilitator materials. Our answer is always, “It depends.” Few courses mandate facilitator certification, but that doesn’t mean you don’t “need” to be certified.

To help you evaluate whether certification is right for you, ask yourself these questions:

1. Do I need the insight that a dedicated DiSC Certification course offers?

You need to prepare differently to teach DiSC to a group of new customer service representatives than you would for a retreat with senior management. Everything DiSC Certification courses can give you greater insight and a deeper understanding of the material and its relevance with different learners.

2. Do I need the additional credibility that certification offers?

If the industry that you work in values credentials – Some companies and industries, like healthcare, place heavy emphasis on 3rd party credentials while others emphasize personal and industry experience. Look at your internal and external customers. What is most important to them?

3. Will certification increase my self-confidence?

You may have tremendous confidence in your training ability but a low comfort level with the content. Certification can increase your knowledge and give you new knowledge and skills.

4. Do I learn best in a virtual setting?

Everything DiSC Certification courses are live virtual sessions and taught by experts. If this is your preferred style of learning, you will enjoy the learning experience and get up-to-date DiSC theory and product knowledge.

5. Do I need a refresher?

If you haven’t used DiSC in over 5 years ago then you definitely need a refresher! That doesn’t mean you have to take a certification course, but you will need to devote some time to studying the materials and understanding the changes!

6. Are you interested in expanding your network of training professionals?

One advantage of Everything DiSC Certification is that participants come from across the world! That means a new network of people you can connect with for training questions, advice and even job opportunities.

7. Is the certification “portable”?

Few people stay in the same career with the same company forever. Your certification is yours, not your company’s. This means your certification credentials will follow you wherever you go in the future.

If you answered “yes” to 3 or less of these questions, then certification is probably not for you. However, if you answered “yes” to 4 questions, then you probably need to do some more investigation. Think about where you want to be in 2-4 years and whether or not certification will help you reach your goals faster. Finally, if you answered “yes” to 5 or more questions, then certification can benefit you now.

For more information on Everything DiSC Certification and other profiles, please contact Corexcel by calling 888.658.6641 or use our contact form.