PXT Select™ | Hiring Assessment Tools The #1 Hiring Assessment Available
PXT Select™ is an online employee hiring assessment tool designed to help you select the best candidates for your organization. It is commonly used for hiring, selection, onboarding, coaching & professional development. In addition to measuring verbal and math skills, PXT Select also assesses thinking style, behavioral traits, and interests to give you a complete picture of the candidate.
How It Works
Candidates begin the process by taking an assessment. It takes about one hour to complete, but it uses adaptive testing technology to shorten the time for many candidates. The results of the employee hiring assessment tool are used to generate corresponding reports which can be used throughout the entire employment cycle. An assessment is needed for each candidate you want to evaluate. Candidates are assessed on:
Verbal Skill
Verbal Reasoning
Numerical Ability
Numerical Reasoning
People Service
A Corexcel representative will work with you to set up the assessment and match it with the appropriate job role. We call these roles Performance Models and they can be customized to more accurately reflect the position for which you are hiring.
Once the candidate completes the assessment, run any of the reports against the results. The one-time assessment fee includes access to all of the reports in the PXT Select suite for that candidate.
PXT Select will:
- Streamline your hiring process
- Minimize the risk of bad hires
- Reduce turnover
- Lower your hiring and training costs
- Add objective, data-driven metrics to your hiring process
- Eliminate unconscious bias
- Drive noticeable improvements in your hiring results
1 - 9 | $295.00 each |
10 - 24 | $250.00 each |
25 - 99 | $200.00 each |
100+ | $175.00 each |
Much More than an Assessment
PXT select reports can be used throughout the entire employment cycle from hiring to promotion or transferring departments. Pay once for a candidate to complete the assessment and then generate unlimited reports for that candidate as they move through new roles. The range of reports will help you:

View the scores, styles, and traits associated with successful candidates in the job position:
Performance Model ReportChoose a performance model (job position) from our library of over a hundred jobs across dozens of fields to compare your candidate to, or customize your own!
The Performance Model Report will help you understand the scores and the behaviors associated with the position you're trying to fill. Think of a performance model as position or job framework that lists the desired characteristics and traits associated with the role. This report will help you learn about the ideal candidate for that position. It includes:
- Desired characteristics and interests associated with a position
- Ideal score ranges for each trait or style associated with that position

Understand the candidate's thought process, behavior, and interests:
Comprehensive Selection Report | Sales Comprehensive Selection ReportThis report will help you evaluate one candidate for a single position. The most popular and most powerful report in the PXT Select hiring assessment toolbox. Be more confident than ever with your hiring decisions. The Comprehensive Selection Report includes:
- Summary of the candidate’s results
- Range of scores that are typical for success in a given position
- Candidate's scores across verbal skills & reasoning, numerical ability & reasoning plus several more
- Personalized interview questions to probe further into potential areas of concern
- Tips on what to listen for during the interview process
- Sales Comprehensive Selection Report contains critical sales practices in relation to candidate interpretation

Compare multiple candidates to each other:
Multiple Candidates ReportWant to see how all of your candidates measure against each other? This report will help you evaluate multiple candidates for a single position. It includes:
- Comparison of multiple candidates' scores for reasoning, problem-solving potential, vocabulary and more
- Ranges of scores that are typical for success in a given position
- Candidate's scores across verbal skills & reasoning, numerical ability & reasoning plus several more
- Comparison of multiple candidates' interests
Compare the candidate to multiple job positions:
Multiple Positions ReportThis report is perfect for comparing a candidate or an employee to multiple positions. This report will help you identify where a candidate will fit best within your organization. This report includes:
- Summary of the candidate’s results across multiple positions
- Range of scores that are typical for success in a given position
- Candidate's scores across verbal skills & reasoning, numerical ability & reasoning plus several more
- Candidate's interests

Receive narrative of candidate's feedback without revealing scores:
Individual's Feedback Report | Sales Individual's Feedback ReportThis report can be provided to the candidate after they've completed the assessment. It contains:
- Narrative summary of the candidate's responses
- Interpretation of the results
- Sales Individual's Feedback Report provides insight into candidate's sales style
See the candidate's results in a report that includes coaching tips for onboarding, training, and development:
Coaching Report | Sales Coaching ReportThis report provides a deeper understanding of an employee's thinking style, behavioral traits and interests related to their position within your organization. Get coaching advice specifically tailored to each employee.
- Summary of the employee’s results
- Range of scores that are typical for success in their current position
- Employee's scores across verbal skills & reasoning, numerical ability & reasoning plus several more
- Management tips
- Sales Coaching Report contains feedback relating to sales activities
Compare candidate results to the manager's for relationship building:
Manager-Employee ReportThe Manager-Employee Report helps managers learn how they can be more effective when they're working with their employees.
- Summary of the manager's scores compared to the employee's scores
- Tendencies and considerations for working together
- Reflection questions to spark discussion between the manager and employee
See the candidate's results in graph form:
Individual's Graph ReportThe graph report is perfect for a quick visual representation of the candidate's results. Typically this is a report to be provided to the candidate after they complete the assessment. The report includes:
- Summary of the candidate's results
- Definitions of the terms contained in the report
Need additional information about the PXT Select hiring assessment?
Call 1-888-658-6641 in the U.S., 1-302-477-9730 outside of the U.S., or send an email through our contact form.
"PXT Select" is a trademark of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.